Lift Your Burden
With effective psychotherapy treatment, you can foster positive change within your life, remove this weight of depression and regain fulfillment.
Depression is the most common mental health issue in the world and contributes to difficulties in all parts of life. It is characterized by a generally low mood and a lack of interest in things that might otherwise be enjoyable. It can be paradoxical: feelings of frustration or shame that you aren’t doing or enjoying things that you “should” do while simultaneously feeling like you can’t or don’t want to or that it’s not worth it. For some people, this experience is chronic (appearing frequently or perhaps never really going away) and for others it’s more episodic but no less overwhelming. Very often, anxiety is also a big part of the picture. While anxiety and depression describe two different experiences (and you certainly may be a person who experiences one and not the other), they are often two sides of the same coin, feeding off of each other.
A Common Struggle
Help Your Depression
Often, people with depression have a difficult time getting help or even believing that help is possible. There is a strong sense of hopelessness, shame, and exhaustion that contribute to a sense that help is either unachievable or too daunting. Efforts made to try to deal with it, to try to feel better, often backfire or don’t really seem to work. You end up feeling like you’re broken, or “bad,” or unworthy.
Depression Is Normal
Depression, as it turns out, is a normal human process. There’s nothing wrong with you that you get sad or down or scared. Unfortunately, as a society we don’t do a great job of helping people understand the processes that underlie depression. We stigmatize or criticize people who are struggling. Often, we’re our own worst enemies in this regard, labeling ourselves as ‘a mess,’ ‘weak,’ ‘screwed up,’ ‘a headcase,’ or ‘hopeless.’ This is where I come in. I don’t think you’re a mess or broken (at least not any more than the billions of other people that share this world with us) and it turns out there is every reason to be hopeful.